
All posts by: karend

Holiday Cheer There is something very elegant about the graceful curves of ginger jar-style beverage servers. Two or three filled with iced beverages, sangrias, and other boozy holiday drinks, spigots......
Yes, I was one of those people that thought herbals were only for children and those intolerant of caffeine.  Only real tea for me, please.    An article by Peter......
Do you get confused by the different temperatures and times for steeping tea?    Tea should be easy to prepare, so why all the different rules?  White, Green, Oolong, Black......
“What is your favorite tea?” This is my most asked question in the tea room when I am talking to customers.  I thought of this while reading an article posted......
Maybe it’s from reading too many old British murder mysteries supported by multiple viewings of Downton Abbey, my idea of absolute luxury is having my tea in bed after I......
Yunnan Province, in the southwest corner of China, is believed to be the birthplace of tea. Certainly the origin of many teas we drink today, but is most famous for......
As the owner of Greenhalgh Tea, I am always on the lookout for high quality teas and tea ware from companies and tea estates with proven records of good growing......
I am off to Virginia on Sunday and it will be my 6th road trip since January. Whether I am staying with friends or family; at a bed and breakfast......
A story recently published about the Art Tea at the Merrion Hotel in Dublin brought back a wonderful memory of my own visit to this Hotel in 2016. As a......
​Earl Grey tea is a favorite of mine and my customers, so it didn’t surprise me when Supermarket News reported back in the November that Earl Grey is one of......